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- NATION, Page 33Urban Growing PainsDenver decides to take off, but booming Seattle hunkers down
- It was a slambang political fight, complete with barrages of
- print and TV ads, one crafted by George Bush's campaign guru Roger
- Ailes. Colorado Governor Roy Romer and Denver Mayor Federico Pena
- politicked incessantly around town. When the vote came in, several
- hundred giddy campaign workers shouted themselves hoarse in a
- jammed downtown hotel ballroom. The turnout, 41% of registered
- voters, would have been respectable for a congressional or
- gubernatorial election. In fact, the balloting was a special
- election in which Denver residents last Tuesday voted 63% to 37%
- to build a $2.3 billion new airport -- the first to be constructed
- in the U.S. since Dallas-Fort Worth airport was finished in 1974.
- But on the same day, 1,000 miles to the northwest, the spirit
- of Western boosterism took a fall almost as jarring as the Denver
- vote was exhilarating. In another special election, Seattle voters
- approved severe restrictions on the height and size of buildings
- that can be put up in the downtown area during the next ten years.
- The limits were contained in a citizens' initiative put forward as
- an alternative to a less restrictive plan favored by the city
- council and Mayor Charles Royer. With a turnout of only 23%, the
- tougher rules were approved 62% to 38%.
- Had the two cities traded economies, the results might have
- been reversed. Denver, once riding high on an energy boom, has been
- slumping for the past four years. Metropolitan-area employment has
- shrunk by 55,000 jobs, to a present total of 939,100, and real
- estate values have shriveled; the average Denver house is priced
- at $79,900, down 15% in two years. Last year more people moved out
- of the area than moved in for the first time since the Depression
- years of the 1930s. In that climate, voters bought the promises of
- Romer and Pena that a new airport would mean jobs and prosperity.
- "What you heard today from the voters was the sound of Denver
- taking off!" shouted Pena on election night. Branding such talk a
- "psychological aphrodisiac," retired Rear Admiral Richard Young,
- who led the opposition, declared, "Somehow, by voting for the
- airport, there is the feeling everybody is going to be
- jump-started, and everyone is going to be prosperous."
- In Seattle the economy is already sparking along. Area
- joblessness is 4.6%, a 20-year low; major employer Boeing is
- operating at an all-time high percentage of capacity; and hundreds
- of thousands of new residents have moved in during the past few
- years. Downtown, a state convention center, a shopping mall and
- underground bus tunnels are under construction. The area has been
- so torn up that some residents refer to it as "little Beirut."
- Councilman Jim Street, a proponent of the construction
- limitations, explains that many citizens "believe the direction of
- the city has been parting from their values -- open space,
- reasonable traffic, retaining the characters of the neighborhoods,
- a downtown that's (built on) a more human scale." Says Barbara
- Dingfield, an opponent of the restrictions: "In 1972, during the
- Boeing bust, we would have voted to increase building heights, we
- would have voted for an airport. A lot of that is driven by what
- the sense of the local economy is."
- In Denver, despite the economy's woes, the new airport still
- faces determined opposition. It will be a mammoth project, far
- bigger than Chicago's O'Hare and Dallas-Fort Worth combined.
- Building it will entail shutting down the 60-year-old Stapleton
- Airport, the nation's fifth busiest.
- Romer, Pena and other boosters decried the frequent and long
- delays that have already become legendary at Stapleton, a point
- seconded by Transportation Secretary Samuel Skinner on a visit
- during the campaign. The field's two main runways are too close
- together for simultaneous instrument landings; in bad weather only
- one can be used. Airport planners contend that a new field could
- be financed without any tax money. They expect to receive $500
- million from Washington and to raise the rest by selling bonds that
- would be redeemed by fees charged to airlines and concessionaires.
- Opponents warned that the cost might well balloon to $3
- billion, and doubted that Washington would fork over anything like
- $500 million. (Skinner promised that "the Federal Government is
- going to help in a very substantial way," but he studiously avoided
- being pinned down to a figure.) Thus, they insisted, the project
- would force tax increases that Denver residents could not afford.
- The two main airlines servicing Denver, United and Continental,
- point out that Stapleton still has 25 unused gates; some expansion
- of runway capacity, they argued, was all that was needed. But the
- vote made it obvious that few citizens listened. It is only in the
- nation's booming Seattles, it seems, that residents can ask, What
- price growth? In the depressed Denvers, even the hope of growth
- seems to be worth almost any price.